Certain elements from my work at NOTAM and afterwards can easily be delimited and given a project label, and here is a list of projects that I have found particularly interesting. The list spans from editorial work with journals, books and software to development of tutorial initiatives, concerts and sound installations.

  • Rethinking the History of Technology-Based Music, June 9-11, 2022, in collaboration with Monty Adkins
  • Transcribing Nature, Realization in Munich, 2020.
  • The House in the Forest, 2018.
  • Kyma International Sound Symposium 2017, October 12-15, 2017, in collaboration with Anders Tveit and Ulf Holbrook.
  • Conference on Lutoslawski and Nordheim, produced in May, 2015 in collaboration with the Chopin Institute in Warsaw.
  • Eastern Waves, EU-project with pioneer works and electronic contemporary music from Norway, 2011-2013. CD productions with Arne Nordheim, Kåre Kolberg, Maja Ratkje and Helge Sten. Here is a link to the closing concert.
  • Composing with sounds, EU-project with software development, 2011-2013. Here are links to school workshops and the closing concert in Oslo Concert Hall.
  • Technology and Aesthetics, symposium May 2011.
  • Electronics meet the Challenges of the 21st Century, programming for symposium in Warsaw, September 2010. Here is the program, in four documents: 1, 2, 3, 4.
  • Soundscape i kunsten, symposium April 2010.
  • AV-dokumentasjonen Lydspor, produced for The Norwegian association against noise, April 2009.
  • Absorpsjon og resonans – lyd og mening, NOTAM’s sound art exhibition from 2008
  • Music Technology Days 2007
  • Integra Live, EU-project with software development, 2005-2011. Here is a link to the closing festival.
  • Electronic art in public space, conference 2002.
  • Organised Sound, 2002 – . Editorial work.
  • Artnet Norway, 1999 – 2002.
  • Portable just intonation – modernizing of Eivind Groven’s automat, 2001 –
  • DSP, NOTAM’s first software for children, CD-ROM for Windows-machines, 1997.
  • DSP02, NOTAM’s second software for children, with accompanying website.
  • Bryt Lydmuren, flere år med ansvar for arrangementet. Here is a video from 1995
  • Music in the Attic, school concert for the Norwegian Concert Institute.
  • Who-how-woh, Internet concert between Warsaw, Helsinki, Oslo, 1998.
  • Norge – et lydrike, Norway Remixed, sound installation at Oslo Sentralbanestasjon 2002.